Let's take a look at the chromes, since I have already reviewed the glitters.

First up: Twenty-Four K, a yellow gold chrome.

My newest acquisition: Millennium, a silver chrome. So pretty and shiny! In some pics you can see kind of a reflection of the camera! I had some issues applying it though, with streakiness and a little spot on it, kind of like a little bump in the surface.

My other newest acquisition, Metallic Muse, is a lovely silvery green. Also very pretty!! I had no issues with the application.

Finally, a comparison on the nails with index = Metallic Muse; Middle = In Awe of Amber; Ring = Millennium; and pinky = Twenty-Four K. Taken with daylight coming in, but the one with index, ring and pinky taken indoors in the evening as an attempt to show the three true chromes together (please do not think I am flipping a bird!!)

These chromes plus In Awe of Amber should tide me over but the October 5 release of the China Glaze Khromes collection provides more chrome options. I believe that Millennium and Metallic Muse are part of that collection, as well, so I am already making progress on acquiring it! I am curious to see more of the other chromes---anticipation!
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