Why is it that every time I'm in ULTA in the evening, just at closing time, the heavens open up unexpectedly and unleash a torrential downpour? The second week in a row that has happened.
Well, this is what I go through to get the perfect orange nail color to go with my new Belen Echandia Hold Me Maxi in glossy pebbled orange. This evening, I was actually in my second ULTA of the night for that very purpose. I stopped by the ULTA I usually go to, and didn't see the Essie "Bright Tights" from the fall collection while there but got some other nice goodies. (I was there to get a fast-drying topcoat---done!, a crystal nail file---done!, and the Essie orange.) As I was leaving, I suddenly thought of running to another ULTA to see if they had this Essie orange color. Why not? I arrived with a little less than an hour to spare at the large "main street" type shopping center, found a parking spot, then walked up to the shopping center and started down the main drag. Of course, ULTA was on the opposite end, which was no problem....at the time!
The ULTA seemed to have more nail polish on display but not necessarily more colors than my usual ULTA. One of the first colors to catch my eye, however, was an OPI orange: "My Back Pocket." Wow!! This orange seemed totally on target!! A true orange---not too red or dark, not too bright, not too melon or peach or pastel. It had not been at my usual ULTA.
I did locate the Essie "Bright Tights" (they only had one! why is this so elusive?), and I was a bit shocked at how bright and neon it was in real life. I ended up getting both, but the OPI is really the better orange of the two for my purpose.
The new OPI "My Back Pocket":

This gorgeous little leather good is a Belen Echandia Angel Purse in matching leather, a freebie I received with my Hold Me Maxi....generally costing around $200 when ordered on its own!! Below is the interior, with the trademark BE fuchsia silk lining.

Getting back to the nail polish story, lol! The OPI orange seems to go on a bit gloppy, but then, I am a nail newbie so I am not going to assume it's the polish. The brush is nice and wide, which has the potential to work well for for a noob like me. The color is spot on, though!! If I can apply this carefully, I will have my Hold Me Maxi match!!

The Essie "Bright Tights" is very, very sheer and very, very retina-scorching. This color will be great next summer when I want to do something completely neon. It really is not a good match for my BE orange, though. It's on the middle finger in the pic below, and I don't think it is showing up as searingly bright as in real life here.

I figure my orange collection is totally complete, with two creme and two shimmery polishes, which are two China Glaze colors I purchased previously, one to try to coordinate with the Hold Me Maxi, and the other to approximate my cat's gorgeous copper eyes.
Here is a previously posted pic with the China Glaze "True Love," which did not particularly clash but was definitely a darker color than my handbag.

The China Glaze "Cruising" color was my attempt to approximate my cat's copper eyes. Here she is, Gabrielle, a British blue shorthair:

The pic is a little blurry because she is always moving! But the eye color is pretty accurate. And below is my pinky finger displaying "Cruising."

I haven't yet analyzed if I made a good match, but the color is pretty.
Here is my complete 4-polish orange nail color collection, then:

Left to right, the OPI "My Back Pocket", Essie "Bright Tights", China Glaze "Free Love," and China Glaze "Cruising."

And, mattified with my Essie "Matte About You" Matte topcoat:

So, back to the story about the rain, just as I was purchasing my orange colors, the skies opened and poured out a major gullywasher. I waited in the closed store for some time, since I figured the rain shower might be one of those fleeting, sudden rainstorms that ends as abruptly as it begins. After a while, I obtained a plastic bag to put my handbag in, and clinging to the walls of the shops to stay under the puny awnings, I made my way all the way down the length of the shopping center. I figured, my hair was in a pony tail, I was wearing my Keen canvas and rubber sandals, and my clothes and makeup didn't need to stay pristine for any reason.
I was completely soaked, of course, by the time I made it to my car, and I sat in the car for quite some time waiting for the rain to abate. This same thing happened the weekend before at the other ULTA. Lesson learned: it's still summer, as I keep saying, so carry an umbrella and plastic bag for my handbag!! And if there is a drought where you are, you can fly me in and I'll go shopping at closing time at your local ULTA. It seems a guarantee for a rainstorm, at this point!

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