I have seen some nail art that I have liked, though. And, the furor over glittery polish has also seduced me a bit...to the point where I have gotten a bit obsessed with it. I never would have thought I would be seeking glittery polishes. This is where the drugstore thing comes in. I haven't found as much crazy drugstore glitter as I had hoped, but cheap is the best way to try something I didn't really think was for me.
I've gotten to thinking, though. Why not a purely glitter polish in a dark or neutral color with a work-casual outfit? I am thinking of a brown fall or winter outfit that is a monochromatic look of browns....light or golden brown in all one shade or similar shades, then with matching nails of glitter!! No crazy multicolor glitter peaking out of regular nail polish, but just a smooth crust of brown metallic glitter on the nail. Perhaps the same thing with dark red, dark gray, or navy/midnight blue. The idea is to add an additional texture to a monochomatic look.
To imagine my idea of glitter polish, think of taking some glue and putting it thinly and evenly over the entire nail. Then, take some pink glitter and shake it gently and evenly onto the nail. Shake to remove excess. And there you go:

Psych! Obviously, I didn't do that with glue and glitter, but used a drugstore find from Milani: "Disco Lights." This glitter polish pictured has just the pink glitter, the sort of monochromatic glitter look I am going for in a more neutral tone.
Why not put this one with a gray outfit? Oversize or belted grey cardigan, gray wool pants, gray suede shoes and handbag, and soft pink tailored button down. AND pink glitter nails!! It would add texture and a wee bit of bling to an otherwise attractive but very conservative outfit, just as a metallic handbag would.

See? (I am paying homage to my beloved, dead Prescriptives makeup line whose fall campaign had a pinstripes and pearls theme).
Okay, you probably wouldn't want to hire me as your stylist, but I have now stated my fall fashion style mission. I already have China Glaze "Ruby Pumps" which is a classic red glittery polish, and so fun! "Ruby Pumps" contains glitter, but I want a look that IS glitter. Two polishes I ahve been eyeing are from the Lippman Fall 2009 collection, Ruby Red Slippers (glitter and SEQUINS! how cool is that) and Superstar (a brownish glitter). See examples of them on the finger at All Lacquered Up.
Have mission. Will shop.

I think it works too, especially if your nails are shorter. Super long talons plus glitter might be a no go though for work! When I'm not totally lazy and do mine, I will wear grey and brown polishes quite a bit. Not really traditional, but if they are neat, clean and not chipped, it works!
Grey and brown are totally fashion-forward and not the traditional look, but they are also nice and neutral! Agreed, glitter and long talons - no go for work! (but everything depends on where one works, of course).
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